Good day, ladies and gents. This story you are about to read, albeit fiction, is actually being done by some of the members of the mortuary science community. I, being an embalmer myself, strongly condemn this act. Feel free to comment on this story or on this subject. Read on...

Necrophilia - obtaining sexual arousal and gratification by having sexual contact with dead bodies. (\sexeducation)

I got roused from sleep by the loud bang of the door just six paces away from me. I quickly checked my watch for the time. it was 2 am.

Just the nice time to thought.

From the door came four men carrying a stretcher, in it was a corpse.

Misty - eyed, i stood up from my cot and approached one of them.

"What's that," i asked.

"It's a young woman," Reddy replied. "Her folks told us she suffered a massive heart attack just an hour ago. The death certificate should be on its way here now. You go check it out."

"Ok," i answered back.

The men carried the corpse from the stretcher to the embalming table, and stormed away from the room.

"Young woman, eh? Let's check it out..."

As i approached the embalming table with the corpse in it, the phone suddenly rang. I quickly dashed to the office to answer thhe call.

"Embalming and Chemicals department, good morning. How may i help you?"

"Good morning, Luke. This is Cynthia. Is the body there now?"

"What body? The case who died of CVA?"


"Yes, it's already here. Why?"

"Her parents are on thier way there to hand you her death certificate and the clothes she'll wear. They've already finished arranging her funeral services and told me that they wanna have a last look on daughter before she gets treated."

"Ok, i'll wait for them."

"That would be all, Luke. Call me up when you're already finished embalming the body so we can send the casket over."

"Ok, will do. Thanks, Cynthia. 'Bye."


I hung the phone up, and headed back to the embalming room.

The moment Reddy told me it was a young woman, my excitement soared up. It was sexual excitement.

I have a confession to make. I am what psychologists would call a necrophiliac. I get pleasure from having sex with them pretty corpses. Especially those who haven't exceeded three hours after expiration. They're still as warm you can't tell it's difference from a live one.

It started when i was still an apprentice. I was training under the tutelage of an embalmer we'll call Resty. Here's the catch, every time we have cases in which the body was that of a woman, especially when the corpse has got looks, he would send me to do long errands or ask me to transfer to another department for the moment because we are not to start the operation for at least a coulple of hours. I didn't ask questions, he's the embalmer, he should know what to do when it comes to treating corpses. But some queries pop out out of my brain from time to time, like, why do we have to wait for at least a couple of hours or more before we treat female bodies, while we treat male bodies or old people's bodies right away.

I found out the answer one night.

That night we received a call. The case was a motorcycle accident with two casualties, a male and a female, a couple perhaps. The male suffered multiple head injuries, contussions, bruises and a massive haematoma which could have caused his death, and the female, a fatal neck injury. Upon receiving the call and obtaing the death certificate we promptly stripped the couple of clothing, disinfected them, and made them ready for embalming. Knowing that i would be shooed away by Resty i asked him if i could eat dinner first. He said ok, and asked me if i could coordinate with the services department and make a call to NBI to conduct an autopsy. i did, and i made my way to the canteen. I ate my dinner and consumed 30 minutes smoking cigarettes. After throwing the fifth one i reached for my pocket and realized that my mobile phone was not there. I paused for a minute and contemplated on where i might have put it, then rushed back to the mortuary, straight towards the embalming facility.

The door in the office was surprisingly locked. I reached for the keys in my pocket and unlocked it. Upon opening the door, i noticed that the embalming room's door was closed too.

"Why would Resty close this door when there's ..."i said to myself as i walked towards it and opened it.

I was surprised and very shocked with what my eyes saw.

Resty was stupefied when he saw me. He was atop the female body. He was panting very heavily, giving me an idea that he just had an orgasm. He immediately withdrew himself, jumped off the embalming table and fixed himself, without shame.

"What the fuck are you doing?..."

"Well, you saw it. I just had another great fuck," he casualy answered.

I turned my head and looked at the woman...Its legs were still spread wide open, exposing it's pussy.

I felt weird, very weird, as i looked at the dead woman's pussy. i am starting to get aroused, but i don't wanna give Resty even a hint that i am.

But my eyes can't remove its stare from the naked dead woman.

"Wanna try it? I'm leaving the baby oil behind. i'll lock the door for you. Just be quick." He left the room.

My hand reached for the baby oil, and i unwittingly removed my pants. My rock - hard cock sprang forth.

"Oh my God..."

I was, like hypnotized. I climbed the embalming table and positioned myself between the woman's legs. I applied oil to my cock and jerked it up and down. My eyes are now applying its gaze on the woman's breast.

i can no longer contain my excitement, i sticked my cock on the dead woman's pussy and drove it inside her.*

End of part one

Hey peeps i know this is a touchy subject. Tell me if i should ever finish this story.

Peace out.